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Fig. 3 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 3

From: Treating sex and gender differences as a continuous variable can improve precision cancer treatments

Fig. 3

Pediatric neural tumors also exhibit sex and gender - skewed gene expression. (A) Ridge plots for neuroblastoma and the three most common malignant brain tumors of childhood (489 total, 259 M, 230 F., M: F IRR = 1.13:1) demonstrating sex -skewed TI population distributions, with vertical lines indicating the 5%, 25%, 75% and 95% quantiles, respectively. (B)(C) Cancer Hallmark Pathway analysis of those genes that exerted the greatest effects on the male and female poles for each cancer. A predominant polarization pattern is identified with inflammatory/immunity pathways associated with the female pole (red circles) and cell cycle regulatory pathways associated with the male pole (blue circles). Gene counts (count) are symbolized by the size of the circles and False Discovery Rates (FDR) by the saturation of the fill as indicated in the legends

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