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Fig. 3 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 3

From: Integrative multi-omics characterization reveals sex differences in glioblastoma

Fig. 3

Sex-specific transcriptome difference and pathway enrichment. A Analysis of differential gene expression in different sexes. The cutoff for log2fold change is 0.4, and the cutoff for p-value is 0.05. B Gene set enrichment analysis in different sexes. The gene set database used is the Human MSigDB, which includes Reactome, GO, and Wikipathways. C Single-sample gene set enrichment analysis (ssGSEA) of males and females. The significant gene sets are identified based on a p-value < 0.05. D The percentage of GBM transcriptional subtypes based on TCGA in patients (Wang et al.). Green represents MS (mesenchymal), purple represents PN (proneural), and cyan represents CL (classical). E The percentage of GBM pathway-based subtypes in patients (Garofano et al.). Red represents GPM (glycolytic/plurimetabolic), green represents MTC (mitochondrial), blue represents NEU (neuronal), and cyan represents PPR (proliferative/progenitor). F, G Immune cell type enrichment analysis of RNA expression data using the xCell tool. F Scores for three cell types. G Scores for immune cells that are important in GBM

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