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Fig. 3 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 3

From: Novel insight into the lipid network of plasma extracellular vesicles reveal sex-based differences in the lipidomic profile of alcohol use disorder patients

Fig. 3

Lipid composition and distribution of EVs lipids in patient groups. Sum of the total (A) and median (B) of lipid abundance by lipid subclass across patient groups. Lipids were quantified as log2 of the identified peak area by LC–MS/MS analysis. According to the RefMet classification, the inner and outer lines of the radar plots indicate the lipid main class and super class, respectively. The color of the border of the bars indicates the patient group (AUD_M: green, AUD_F: yellow, C_M: orange, and C_F: blue). C Heatmap demonstrating the abundance patterns between lipids (columns) and samples (rows). Lipid subclasses and patient groups are indicated by the same colors previously assigned to them in the radar plots. Abundance levels are represented on a red-blue scale, where red indicates lower abundance and blue indicates higher abundance. D Principal component analysis (PCA) score plot showing 4 separate clusters according to the patient groups, which are indicated by the same color code as previously

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