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Fig. 4 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 4

From: Sex-based disparities in DNA methylation and gene expression in late-gestation mouse placentas

Fig. 4

Correlations between gene expression and DNA methylation changes in the E18.5 mouse placenta. A Overlap between DEGs and DMRs on the autosomes and X chromosomes and their locations in promoters and intragenic regions. B and C DNA methylation (left) and gene expression (z-scores; right) levels of promoter and gene regions with significant DNA methylation and expression sex differences on the autosomes (B) and X chromosomes (C) of E18.5 placentas. D and E DNA methylation (left) and gene expression (z-scores; right) levels of intragenic regions (excluding promoters) with significant DNA methylation and expression sex differences on the autosomes (D) and X chromosomes (E) of E18.5 placentas. F Cdk5rap1 DNA methylation levels in male and female placentas. Dots represent the mean methylation levels of individual DMRs in each sex. G Normalized read counts for Cdk5rap1 in male and female placentas. H Shroom2 DNA methylation levels in male and female placentas. Dots represent the mean methylation levels of individual DMRs in each sex. I Normalized read counts for Shroom2 in male and female placentas

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