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Fig. 3 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 3

From: Sex-based disparities in DNA methylation and gene expression in late-gestation mouse placentas

Fig. 3

DMRs have divergent distributions on the autosomes and X chromosomes. A The frequency distributions of autosomal (top) and X chromosome (bottom) DMRs at various CpG densities (i.e., numbers of CpGs per analyzed tile) in male and female E18.5 placentas. B DMR distributions in male and female placentas based on their proximity to CpG islands (CGIs). Proximal regions are defined as shores (up to ± 2 kb from a CGI), shelves (± 2–4 kb from a CGI), and open seas (± 4 kb or more from a CGI). C DNA methylation levels on autosomal and X chromosome DMRs in male and female placentas by CGI proximity. D Distributions of CGI-based DMRs into various genomic regions in male and female placentas. E DNA methylation levels of CGI-based autosomal and X chromosome DMRs located in promoter, intragenic, and intergenic regions in male and female placentas

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