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Fig. 2 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 2

From: TrkB-mediated sustained neuroprotection is sex-specific and \(\text{ER}\alpha\)-dependent in adult mice following neonatal hypoxia ischemia

Fig. 2

7,8 DHF therapy rescues recognition and location memory only in females in an \(\text{ER}\alpha\)-dependent way. A, A' Mice were subjected to NOR testing P60 + post-HI. The discrimination ratio during the first 10 min of NOR testing in males (A) and females (A') is shown for \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+sham+VC, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+HI+VC, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+HI+DHF, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)−/−sham+VC, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)−/−HI+ VC, and \(\text{ER}\alpha\)−/−HI+DHF groups. Data are mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05 compared to corresponding sham. #p <  0.05 compared to corresponding male \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+HI+DHF. Significance was analyzed using multivariant ANOVA. B, B' Mice were subjected to NOL testing P60 + post-HI. The discrimination ratio during the first 10 min of NOR testing in males (B) and females (B') is shown for \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+sham+VC, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+HI+VC, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+HI+DHF, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)−/−sham+VC, \(\text{ER}\alpha\)−/− HI+ VC, and \(\text{ER}\alpha\)−/−HI+DHF groups. Dotted line at 0.5 shows no preference for the novel object while below the line shows familiar object preference. Data are mean ± SEM. *p<  0.05 compared to corresponding sham. #p< 0.05 compared to corresponding male \(\text{ER}\alpha\)+/+HI+DHF Significance was analyzed using multivariant ANOVA.

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