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Fig. 2 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 2

From: Sex-differences in proteasome-dependent K48-polyubiquitin signaling in the amygdala are developmentally regulated in rats

Fig. 2

Identification of protein targets of K48-polyubiquitin in the amygdala of both sexes which differ as a result of sex, time, or both. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) of 4-week-old (4 wk) and 9-week-old (9 wk) male and female rats was collected from the same animals as Fig. 1. The same subset of animals was used for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS) to identify K48-polyubiquitin protein targets in whole cell protein lysates purified with a K48-specific tandem ubiquitin binding entity (K48-TUBE) (n = 6 animals per group per sex per age). The log2(Protein Abundance + 1) values are plotted for proteins identified as being targeted differently by K48-polyubiquitination as a result of Age (A), Sex (B), or and interaction of Sex X Age (C). D List of the proteins with corresponding Log2 (Fold Change) in both sexes that had increased or decreased levels in K48-polyubiquitin-purified due to Age (red) or Sex (black). For each protein, the corresponding Log2(Fold Change) is provided for significant differences in 4 wk vs 9 wk females (gray) or males (orange) or female vs male at 4 wk (pink) or 9 wk (blue) as indicated by Tukey’s post hoc analysis. Data were a sum of two technical replicates and Tukey’s honest significance difference post hoc test was used. Log2(Fold Change) was calculated by adding 1 to every value (Protein Abundance + 1), taking the average of the groups and then dividing the appropriate groups for each comparison followed by log2 transformation of the resulting values

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