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Fig. 6 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 6

From: Sex differences in muscle protein expression and DNA methylation in response to exercise training

Fig. 6

Effect of training and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on sex-biased DNA methylation sites. Pearson correlation between the first dimension of the principal component analysis (PCA) of the 56,798 sex-differentially methylated positions (DMPs, at baseline, from [20]) and A cardiorespiratory fitness (baseline VO2max) or D timepoint (of training intervention). “PRE” denotes before the training intervention and “4WP” denotes following the training intervention. Data represented are from the Gene SMART study. Correlation between the effect sizes of sex versus B sex*CRF and versus E sex*training for the 56,798 sex-DMPs. Principal component analysis of residuals of model for C CRF and F training at the 56,798 sex-DMPs. Each dot is an individual and colours denote VO2max (mL/min/kg; C) and timepoint (F). G Heatmap of the effect sizes of the sex-DMPs for sex, sex*CRF, and sex*training. Each row is a sex-DMP; red denotes a positive effect size and blue denotes a negative effect size (scaled). H Boxplot of a CpG site (cg02380025) which has opposite effect sizes for the effect of sex versus sex*training. The left boxplot represents the effect of sex and the right boxplot represents the effect of sex*training. Y-axis is the DNAm beta values

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